Thursday, June 25, 2009

Farewell.....king of pop - MJ

This morning, as I was driving back home after dropping hubby at work, I heard over the radio that Michael Jackson is dead. I thought it was a prank since the morning DJs are normally wacky and cheeky. But it sounded so serious that when I got back home, I straight away logged onto Internet to confirm the news. Yes, Michael Jackson is indeed dead. He was 50 and died from cardiac arrest due to abuse of prescription drugs.

I admit that I am not a Michael Jackson fan. But I have enjoyed listening to his music as I was growing up. I've read stories about him and watched movies about his families. So although I don't actually go all the way out to buy his CDs, whenever I came across gossips of him in the magazines, I would take some time to read it. I feel sad for his passing on. He was a huge success during his moonwalking era but at the same time, his life was falling apart. Looking at the way he lived his life, one can feel the inferiority he felt deep down, the constant loneliness and need for love, the fear of rejection and with that, he had undergone numerous cosmetic surgeries, drugs, perverted sexual inclination and also landed himself in massive debts. How can a person of such talent and success end up in such a pitiful state?! Ecclesiastes had said it correctly then, "Meaningless, all is meaningless under the sun." But our answers and hope lies with That Who is above the sun. Without God, life would indeed be meaningless.

MJ will of course be always remembered for his songs and his moonwalk, just a Elvis Presley did with his songs and twist. Australian Idol have actually included the "Jackson era" into their competition. Perhaps tonight I will sit on my couch, sipping a cup of hot chocolate and listen to Michael Jackson.....

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