Thursday, June 11, 2009

Best on screen kiss

Almost all the people who know me knows that I am a hopeless romantic. I love romantic novels, any romantic gestures send me off to dreamland for days, and when I am stressed or tired, I can be easily fixed with a good romantic comedy. I am watching a TV program called "20 to 1" right now. Today the program is showing the 20 to 1 most romantic on-screen kisses and I am so glad that one of my all time favourite movie and of course on-screen kiss is in the list! Drum roll is none other than BRIDGET JONES DIARY!

I had a crush on Colin Firth in that movie. Of course he went and spoiled his perfect image in my heart taking on the role of a gay in the movie Mama Mia! Horror of horrors! Anyway, back to Bridget Jones, I LOVE the moment when he wrapped Renee in his winter coat and kissed her passionately. It is not just a kiss for the sake of kissing, but somewhat a protective and sensitive kind of kissing. Of course I should have known better by now that the kiss was well choreograph to "fool" those hopeless romantic viewers like me. But I can't help but melt when I see that scene again. Hehehe...giggle.

I just saw the kiss again, like right now and I apologize if I am typing like a school girl falling in love. Maybe I should stop typing right now and go give me wonderful hubby a nice kiss. ;-) That, my friends, is not a movie. Tee-hee-hee

1 comment:

richrach said...

u ni.... shiok sendiri la. :p