Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ashley's 1st winter cold

It is common to catch a cold or fall sick during winter. The surgeries (clinics, as we would call them in Malaysia) would always be packed with men, women and kids with dripping noses, coughing spells, and unsettled children.

As I have written in the previous blog, I've braced myself for winter. Or so I thought. All the preparation I have done was insufficient when the "cruel" chilling wind came blowing in. Even with the doors and windows closed, I could still feel the chilly-ness of the wind in the house. Ashley was the 1st victim to fall sick in the family. It all happened in just one night. All she did was tossed and turned in bed and the blanket came off. Then in the wee hours, she was calling out to me to bring her a blanket. When I went to check on her, she was curled up like a ball and her cheeks were icy cold. Poor gal must have had a horrible night. In the morning, she started coughing and came down with slight temperature. I gave her some cough mixture and kids panadol and tried to keep her warm. She lost appetite for food and all she wanted to do was stay wrapped up in her couch and watch cartoons. But praise God her fever subsided though her cough developed into chesty cough, which caused her lots of discomfort, especially at night when she was so tired yet couldn't sleep well.

Ashley is getting better now. But I have started layering her up. Time to shop for more winter clothes. Hopefully it won't result in her having a heat rash! Aih, perils of a young mother.

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