Thursday, June 11, 2009

Stop and LIVE

Lately I have been feeling really drained. I am tired of the routine of my daily life and the constant rush I have to deal with day in and day out. I stopped playing with Ashley for a week or 2 now because I can't deal with her "naughtiness" without getting upset. I dreaded cleaning up after playtime that I ignored all the fun during play. I was at my lowest yesterday when all I wanted to do is just to lie down and do nothing. I didn't get dinner fixed and I didn't complete everything on my to-do list.

This morning, I decided to skip Bible study and not worry about rushing about to get things done. I took time to have coffee at the mall's cafe, savored every bite of my donut, browsed the shops leisurely and refused to look at the time. When I got home, I just threw stuff into the slow cooker and didn't make a big deal about dinner. I made a deliberate choice to ignore the condition of the house (dusty and messy) and sat down to played with Ashley. I even let go of my "perfectionist" streak and let her stir in the flour for our banana muffin. Yes, we made a big mess in the kitchen but boy did we both had a great time. Not forgetting to mention, those were the best banana muffins I've ever baked. Today, I finally see the spark returning to Ashley's eyes and I am so glad for the decision I made to take things easy. I can't wait for tomorrow, for all the fun things Ashley and I could do together.

Lord, teach me to pause and appreciate all that I have around me each day. May I never get bored and dull with this life that You have blessed me with.

1 comment:

richrach said...

Mich, your sharing here reminded me of what happen to myself time and again, when yes... I just needed to "Stop and LIVE". It happened to me a few times once in a while and somehow that "stop" was really worth it. :)

Similarly in our spiritual life, the Lord would just have to tell us, "Be still and know that I AM GOD"

Take care, Mich!