Monday, July 20, 2009

Thank God for good doctor

Boo...hooo....Ashley is sick. I guess there is no escaping when 2 out of 3 in the family is sick. My little angel started coughing on Sunday night and by Monday mid-morning, she had a temperature of 38 degrees. I called hubby back from office so he could take her to the doctors.

But BAD news. Ashley's favourite doctor had left the practice and there is no way of knowing where she has gone to. Praise God Tex managed to google her on the internet and managed to get hold of her house number, which led us to her new office. It was the most pleasurable visit ever. This doctor was warm and intelligent, confident and sure, gentle and friendly. When we left the clinic, Ashley told Tex:"Daddy, Ashley likes doctor. Doctor always smile". For a 2 year old to say that, the doctor must have been pretty amazing huh?

Ashley is feeling better. Her temperature seems to have settled although she still looks tired, perhaps from fighting off the virus.

Lord, I pray for healing and protection for my family. Keep us healthy and strong. Amen.

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